December 22, 2017

Now is the time to make sure your family isn’t breathing in allergens or other harmful toxins.
During the winter months, it is important to have the indoor air quality of your home evaluated. There are many harmful pollutants that cannot be seen but could be making you and your family sick. Others have the potential to be life-threatening.
Therefore, it is important to have your home’s air quality checked by having your HVAC system and ductwork inspected. If you or your family members are prone to allergies or asthma, this is even more important. If you have symptoms such as headaches or ongoing sinus issues, these may be signs that these harmful things are lurking in your home.
The indoor air quality of your home has a lot to do with your overall health. Some allergens may only be annoying, but others can lead to serious, long-term health issues. Although there are a wide variety of toxins that you can be exposed to through your HVAC system, the most common include:
Carbon Monoxide
Carbon monoxide is a an odorless and colorless gas that is deadly in high concentrations. When fuel doesn’t burn completely this gas is created and it can lead to poisoning. When carbon monoxide builds up indoors, there’s no way to detect it without the help of a detector. In addition, the symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning are similar to the flu, which can cause someone to ignore the early signs.
If you or a family member suffers from allergies, a contributing factor may be the quality of the air your HVAC system is pushing through your home. When the ductwork is full of the dust or other pollutants you may be allergic to, these things might be recirculating throughout your home, making you sicker. The consequences can range from mild to severe.
Mold and Mildew
Many people think of mold and mildew as something that grows on bathroom walls, or in other places where it is wet and damp. However, these spores can be released into the air. Many people have allergies to mold, causing a wide range of symptoms. In addition, black mold has been linked to health problems such as lung disease and other chronic illnesses. The only way to know if these things are lurking in your ductwork is to have the air quality of your home tested.
Radon is another type of odorless and colorless gas that a person can’t taste or smell. A person cannot tell when they are breathing it. When it is breathed into the lungs, it can damage DNA, potentially causing cancer.
Radon gas can seep through the cracks in the walls and floors of your home, increasing the risk of developing serious health problems.
Call Scott-Lee Heating at (314) 200-0788 or fill out our Online Contact Form.
With the cold winter months already upon us, now is the time to make sure you and your family aren’t breathing in allergens and other harmful toxins that could be making you sick. Call Scott-Lee Heating today to make sure that the indoor air quality of your home is healthy and safe.