Cutting Down On The Air Pollution Inside Your Own Home

November 25, 2013

Many of us spend almost 90% of our time indoors.  Is the air you are breathing indoors making you or your family sick? Air pollution does not just exist outside. In fact, the EPA reports that indoor air can be 100 times more polluted than the air outside, a thought made even more alarming when you consider that we spend almost 90% of our time indoors. Instead of treating the symptoms of air pollution, why not go after the source and have your HVAC experts install a whole-house air purifier? Causes of Indoor Air Pollution Indoor pollution is caused by a number of sources commonly found in your home. Fireplace emissions, stoves, cigarette smoke, and cleaning products all contribute to a poor air quality. High levels of indoor pollution in your home may cause headaches, eye irritation, sinus infections, fatigue, and nausea. If you feel that you or your family suffer from any of these frequently and without explanation then indoor air pollution may be the cause. Consult with a qualified HVAC technician to see how you can benefit from a whole house air purifier. A Whole House Air Purifier System Whole-house air purifiers are installed in conjunction with your...

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Not Maintaining Your Homes Furnace May Kill You

November 14, 2013

Know the dangers of not maintaining your homes furnace. Thousands of Americans will be flipping the switch in the next coming weeks and setting their thermostats to 68 degrees without giving it a second thought. They will expect their furnace to work just as fine this winter as it did last winter and will never even think about having an HVAC tech come out to perform routine maintenance. In fact, many people do not think about an HVAC tech at all, until something breaks. The trouble with that plan is that in the meantime, your unmaintained furnace could be killing you. Avoid Costly Repairs or Replacements We all know that yearly maintenance can save us expensive repairs or replacement in the long run and yet many people still choose to avoid it. Unfortunately many of us adhere to the adage “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”. Trouble is, if the furnace is not cleaned and maintained, it will break. Let’s look at the monetary side first. A system that is not cleaned does not run as efficiently. Hundreds of thousands of dollars are blown away each year by homeowners who do not keep up with furnace maintenance. Changing out...

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What to Look for When Choosing an Air Purifier

September 5, 2013

Your best defense against poor indoor air quality is having an air purifier installed in your home.  Should you invest in an air purification system for your home? Your best defense against poor indoor air quality is having an air purifier installed in your home. If you or a family member has problems with allergies, asthma, or other respiratory issues, an air purifier could help. Before you invest in any type of air purifying system though you should first take steps to keep your home as free of pollutants as possible. This means sealing any air leaks. Air is constantly leaking both into and out of your home. Setting up an air filtration system will do little good if you do not first take care of this problem. Due to air leaks, the air in the average home is replaced by outside air about every two hours. As you can imagine, this could render any air purifying relatively worthless. There are a few additional steps you should take to make sure that could make a big difference. Look at this checklist and see if there are any: ●    Are you vacuuming frequently? ●    Have you had your house tested for...

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Minimize Energy Loss in HVAC Duct Work – St. Louis HVAC

December 21, 2012

We are dedicated to providing you with the highest quality and most energy-efficient heating systems. Many duct systems lose a considerable amount of energy due to leakage and poor insulation. It is estimated that leaky ductwork can lose 20-40% of heating energy. This results in higher energy bills, inconsistent heating of the rooms in your home, and poor indoor air quality. However, changes and updates to your heating and cooling air ducts can reduce heat loss in your HVAC system. When duct systems are well-designed and efficient, they distribute air properly and keep air from leaking. However, even ducts that are properly sealed and insulated can still lose some heat. In newer energy-efficient homes, the air duct systems are being placed within the conditioned space of the home. There are many types of supply duct configurations. No matter where they are placed, air ducts need to be well sealed. Duct System Maintenance In some cases, it is just a matter of making sure furniture is not blocking the airflow through the registers. You may also try vacuuming the registers in case dust has built up in them. However, simple maintenance may not be enough. Rooms that lack sufficient airflow may need new air...

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Improve Indoor Air Quality with Whole-House Humidifier

November 30, 2012

Humidifiers control moisture to increase the indoor air quality of your home or business. Humidity refers to the amount of water vapor that is in the atmosphere. A humidifier is a device that increases the humidity level in your home.  Humidifiers usually become more necessary in the winter months because humidity levels drop and heating systems dry out the air. Ideal Humidity Levels The ideal level of indoor humidity is between 30 and 50 percent. When the air in your home is dry, it will act like a sponge that soaks up the moisture in the atmosphere. When this happens your skin and lips become dry. Even your wood floors and other furnishings in your home are adversely affected. Humidifiers control moisture to increase the indoor air quality of your home or business. Whole-house humidifiers are available, which connect to a home’s HVAC system to provide humidity to the entire house. Benefits of a Humidifier Consider some of the benefits of having a humidifier installed in your home or business. Increase your home’s comfort level. Reduce your heating bills since humidified air feels warmer. Soothe dry skin conditions. Ease asthma and other respiratory conditions. Help reduce cold, flu, and allergy symptoms. Prevent peeling of wallpaper or cracking...

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