June 15, 2016

The following HVAC tips will keep your home safe while you are away on vacation this summer.
The bags are packed, the dogs are at the kennel, and your neighbor will come by to water the plants. You are ready to hit your summer destination, but have you prepared your home’s HVAC? In order to ensure that your vacation is not ruined by an unplanned mishap when you get back home, prepare your house in advance for your absence.
Turn Off the Main Water Supply
You do not want that leaking pipe you have been meaning to fix to finally burst when you are out of town. Water seeping into your carpet and floorboards can cause significant water damage.
Connect Your Sump Pump to a Battery
If you have a basement that is prone to flooding, then you likely have a sump pump already in place. Having a battery back-up on your sump pump will ensure that it stays working, just like it would if you were home.
Do Not Turn Off the Central Air Conditioning System
Use a digital programmable thermostat to control the temperature inside of your home as if you were there. Save money on your energy bill by programming it to run at 78 degrees.
Cut the Electric Where You Can
Cut the electric breakers for bedrooms and family rooms that are not in use. Electronic equipment, in particular, should be disconnected from power while you are away to protect them in case of a lightning strike.
Cut the Gas
If you use a gas stove cut off the gas supply. If a pilot light were to go out, your home could fill up with gas, creating a very dangerous situation.
Clean out the Refrigerator
Cut back on the amount of food in your freezer and refrigerator in the days leading up to your vacation. Then adjust the thermostat to a higher temperature while away.