May 29, 2014

Save money by learning how to reduce the electricity used by your window-mounted air conditioner.
An air conditioner relies on electricity to perform its function. But unwanted spikes may be noticed in power consumption and costs as time goes by. If you are currently experiencing such a phenomenon, here are some useful tips on how to reduce electricity costs associated with the use of an air conditioner.
Protect Your Unit
You can cut down on your cooling electricity expenses by ensuring that your window-mounted air conditioning unit, especially the compressor, is shaded against harsh weather conditions. This can help reduce your power consumption by up to a tenth. You should ensure that debris is not allowed to block the airflow, as this can have a significant impact on your electricity bill.
Periodically Check Your Air Conditioner’s Duct
It is also helpful to ensure that the setup of your unit’s duct is as it should be. The ductwork could sometimes become leaky, especially in the cases of older properties, and fail to reach indoor areas where it is required. Duct tape should immediately be used to seal off all openings or gaps if noticed in the ductwork. This can be useful in lowering your monthly expenses on power, helping you conserve your limited financial resources. You should also consider installing weather stripping and caulking in gaps noticed around any openings such as windows and doors.
Get a Programmable Thermostat
Another idea that can help you make considerable savings on energy use is the installation of a thermostat. You should use a plug-in timer for your window air conditioner to help in automatically switching your unit on or off, depending on periods you will be inside or away. It is also a good idea to shut rooms that are not in use to cut down your energy consumption.
Change Air Filters Regularly
Particles can block your air filters, reducing your unit’s efficiency, and exposing it to the danger of breakdown. You should, therefore, make sure that air filters are changed periodically, perhaps, on a monthly basis. This is not an expensive task to perform, as these air filters do not cost much. Reusable air filters that can easily be cleaned and reused are now available. Air filter changes can save you from high electricity bills and costly expenses on repairs.
Upgrade Your Unit
It may be in your interest to consider replacing your air conditioner if it is an older model. Newer models, which are more energy-efficient, are being released into the market from time to time. It is estimated that older units produced during the 1990s consume up to about twice the amount of energy consumed by newer models. Getting a new unit may sound like a costly expenditure, but it can save you money in the long run and the resulting reduction in energy costs can help you recoup your investment within just a year.
These tips may help you lower your energy expenses significantly. For further assistance, call Scott-Lee Heating Company at (314) 200-0788.
Photo credit: Paul Sullivan via Flickr