April 15, 2014

The HVAC system cannot alone help you fight the bone chilling cold of the winter.

It takes more than just a good heating system to keep you warm and comfortable during the winter. You need to have proper insulation in your home to ensure that the HVAC system works efficiently and effectively.

Identifying Leaks

It is important that you identify all leaks and block them appropriately in a way that heat is not able to escape from your home. A professional HVAC company can do a complete check of your home and evaluate the energy efficiency and insulation of your home. However, you can also do some preliminary investigation and plug the leaks to insulate your home. You can try some of these winter insulating tips.

Common Problem Areas for Leaks

Start by identifying all problem areas in your house. Evaluate every room of your house for possible air leaks. The biggest problem areas would be the windows, fireplace, and attic areas. There could be some small gaps along the baseboards. Remember, even the smallest of gaps can have an adverse effect on the energy efficiency of your home. Note all problem areas on a piece of paper, so that you know what supplies you need from the hardware store to plug these gaps.


If you feel that your old windows are your biggest source of heat loss, contact an HVAC company to seal the windows, but if the gaps are small and manageable you can try using a heavy-duty plastic sheet to insulate the windows. Cut window-size sections of the sheet, but make sure they are a few inches larger than the windows that you intend insulating. Secure these sheets to the window frame using a tape or staple gun. You can also use heavy-duty window shades to keep the drafts secured.


Leaks in doors are responsible for a large amount of energy loss in homes. To address this problem, you can apply weather stripping to the door frame. HVAC professionals suggest that you can fill the gaps in the baseboards or other areas with caulking to stop air leaks. You should use masonry sealant for plugging external leaks in homes made of bricks.

Fire Places

Another major area of concern in homes is the fireplace. A chimney can act as a major source of air leaks. If you are using your fireplace, make sure that the chimney is properly sealed. For other problem areas such as the ceiling and attic, it is advisable that you seek services of a professional HVAC company.

In case you feel that you need expert help to tackle the problem of insulation and energy efficiency in your home, get in touch with Scott-Lee Heating Company at (314) 200-0788. With years of experience, we have acquired expertise in managing all aspects of HVAC systems.